Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Adolescent Case Study

Adolescent Case Study

I.   Identification

      A.  Kathy Johnson is a 14 year old female, a freshman at Parkway High              
            School, and resides at 789 Parkview Way, Bossier City, LA 70000.

II.  History of Family

      A.  The subject lives with her biological mother and stepfather.  The child's                
            biological father resides in Bossier City as well, but he has not maintained a      
            relationship with the child since he divorced her mother in 1981.  The child  
            also has a brother who lives out of state and has no relationship or contact  
            with him either.
B.  The subject comes from an upper middle class family.  Her stepfather is a high
school graduate and owns his own construction business.  Her mother is a
homemaker and quit school during her sophomore year.
      C.    The subject and her family live in Southern Gardens, a small subdivision
      in Bossier City.  The family, for the most part, keeps to themselves and does
      not have any close, personal associations.  The few associates they have are
      business colleagues and people from their church groups. 
      D.    The stepfather is a relatively healthy male, approximately 6'1" tall, dark brown
      hair, brown eyes, weighs around 200 pounds and has no known physical   
      illness.  The mother is 5'4" tall, blonde hair, brown eyes and has noticeable
      symptoms of depression and a significant drinking problem.  Presently she
      is in good overall physical health.
      E.    Most of the family's interest revolves around the subject's athletic activities
      such as baseball and church related activities such as Sunday services and
      youth centered groups.
      F.    The family attends a full gospel, nondenominational church on a regular basis. 
            Their political views are primarily democratic.
      G.    The family is of Italian descent and somewhat antisocial.  They rarely see
      anyone on a personal basis and have no close personal friends.

III. History of the Case

      A.    The subject is approximately 5'5" tall, long dark brown hair, brown eyes and is
      somewhat overweight, weighing in at 165 pounds.  However, she is very
      athletic and is routinely involved in softball and basketball.  She plays softball
      during the summer for her church league and has won numerous trophies.
      During the school year, she also plays basketball for her church basketball
      team.  She diligently attends every practice and never misses a game in either
      sport.  Although her physician states that she is in good general health, she
      regularly complains of stomach pain and lethargy.
      B.    Due to the subject's physical complaints, her school attendance is relatively
      poor; however, her grades are above average in the A to B range.  In the past,
      her attendance in school was better, but her grades were not as high.  They
      usually remained in the B to C range.
      C.    The subject receives an allowance of $25 per week for doing household chores
      such as cleaning her room, vacuuming, and cooking dinner.  Most often, she
      spends her allowance on name brand clothing and shoes.  Fitting in with the
      "Preppy" crowd seems to be very important to her, hence the expenditures on
      only name brand clothing, shoes, etc.
      D.    Although she wants to fit in, she seems to lack the social skills required in
      order to get along with her peers.  She tends to be somewhat aggressive
      which often results in confrontations and arguments with peers her own age.
      Therefore, she only has one close friend and is not part of any clique or group.
      According to her, the other adolescents describe her as being overbearing and
      bossy, so ultimately she stays to herself and does not get along well with her
      E.    The subject's recreational habits consist of playing softball and basketball and
      attending youth oriented activities at church such as youth camp and bible
      studies.  She is a very outgoing and aggressive teenager who often tends to try
      and force her opinions on her peers.  Which in turn, has the opposite effect and
      more often causes her peers to become distant and antisocial with her.
      F.    Her personal philosophy and ideology is based mainly on her religious beliefs.
      She believes in the teachings of the bible and that there is one God who
      controls and oversees the world in which she lives.  Therefore, she is against
      premarital sex, drug and alcohol use, and abortion.  When asked her political
      views, for example who she would vote for, her reply was "Bill Clinton, simply
      because he is a democrat."  She seems to be heavily influenced by her families
      political views, in that, she doesn't know much about politics, but she would
      vote for a democrat because her family belongs to the Democratic Party.

IV.  Summary

            After interviewing and observing the subject, my findings relative to her
current status are the following:
      Her stepfather is physically and verbally abusive toward her mother often forcing the
subject to call the police.  Her mother appears to suffer from prolonged bouts of
depression and ongoing alcohol use.  Therefore, the subject is required to more or
less handle the everyday household obligations such as cooking and cleaning.  She
also has a deep resentment for her stepfather and feels the need to protect and take
care of her mother.
            In my opinion, the subject is suffering from physical and emotional neglect
from her parents resulting in depression, low self esteem, aggressive tendencies, and
bouts of hypochondria.

V.   Recommendations

            My recommendations would be to remove the subject from the abusive
situation by placing her in a temporary foster home and to require her parents to undergo
a full psychiatric evaluation.  She should remain in the foster home until her mother
undergoes and successfully completes an alcohol rehabilitation program and receives
counseling for the physical and emotional abuse which she has endured.  The stepfather
should be required to stay away from the subject and her mother until he undergoes
counseling and no longer exhibits signs of  aggressive and abusive behavior.  Other
recommendations for the subject would be to prescribe antidepressants combined with
group support with other adolescents suffering similar situations and problems.  Her
aggressive tendencies and low self esteem need to be addressed by placing her in a loving
and emotionally stable and supportive household where she would be allowed to
experience some freedom from the emotional burden of having to run a household
virtually by herself.


INTRODUCTION: Acid rain is a great problem in  our world. It causes fish
and plants to die in our waters. As well it causes harm to our own race as
well, because we eat these fish, drink this water and eat these plants. It
is a problem that we must all face together and try to get rid of. However
acid rain on it's own is not the biggest problem. It cause many other
problems such as aluminum poisoning. Acid Rain is deadly.
     Acid rain is all the rain, snow, mist etc that falls from the sky onto
our planet that contains an unnatural acidic. It is not to be confused with
uncontaminated rain that falls, for that rain is naturally slightly acidic.
It is caused by today's industry. When products are manufactured many
chemicals are used to create it. However because of the difficulty and cost
of properly disposing of these products they are often emitted into the
atmosphere with little or no treatment.

     The term was first considered to be important about 20 years ago when
scientists in Sweden and Norway first believed that acidic rain may be
causing great ecological damage to the planet. The problem was that by the
time that the scientist found the problem it was already very large.
Detecting an acid lake is often quite difficult. A lake does not become
acid over night. It happens over a period of many years, some times
decades. The changes are usually to gradual for them to be noticed early.

     At the beginning of the 20th century most rivers/lakes like the river
Tovdal in Norway had not yet begun to die. However by 1926 local inspectors
were noticing that many of the lakes were beginning to show signs of death.
Fish were found dead along the banks of many rivers. As the winters ice
began to melt off more and more hundreds upon hundreds more dead fish
(trout in particular) were being found. It was at this time that scientist
began to search for the reason. As the scientists continued to work they
found many piles of dead fish, up to 5000 in one pile, further up the
river. Divers were sent in to examine the bottom of the rivers. What they
found were many more dead fish. Many live and dead specimens were taken
back to labs across Norway. When the live specimens were examined they were
found to have very little sodium in their blood. This is typical a typical
symptom of acid poisoning. The acid had entered the gills of the fish and
poisoned them so that they were unable to extract salt from the water to
maintain their bodies sodium levels.

     Many scientist said that this acid poising was due to the fact that it
was just after the winter and that all the snow and ice was running down
into the streams and lakes. They believed that the snow had been exposed to
many natural phenomena that gave the snow it's high acid content. Other
scientists were not sure that this theory was correct because at the time
that the snow was added to the lakes and streams the Ph levels would change
from around 5.2 to 4.6. They believed that such a high jump could not be
attributed to natural causes. They believed that it was due to air
pollution. They were right. Since the beginning of the Industrial
revolution in England pollution had been affecting all the trees,soil and
rivers in Europe and North America.

     However until recently the loses of fish was contained to the southern
parts of Europe. Because of the constant onslaught of acid rain lakes and
rivers began to lose their ability to counter act their affects. Much of
the alkaline elements; such as calcium and limestone; in the soil had been
washed away. It is these lakes that we must be worried about for they will
soon become extinct.

     A fact that may please fishermen is that in lakes/rivers they tend to
catch older and larger fish. This may please them in the short run however
they will soon have to change lakes for the fish supply will die quickly in
these lakes. The problem is that acid causes difficulties the fish's
reproductive system. Often fish born in acid lakes do not survive for they
are born with birth defects such as twisted and deformed spinal columns.
This is a sign that they are unable to extract enough calcium from the
water to fully develop their bone. These young soon die. With no
competition the older,stronger can grow easily. However there food is
contaminated as well by the acid in the water. Soon they have not enough
food for themselves and turn to cannibalism. With only an older population
left there is no one left to regenerate themselves. Soon the lake dies.

     By the late 1970s many Norwegian scientists began to suspect that it
was not only the acid in the water that was causing the deaths. They had
proved that most fish could survive in a stream that had up to a 1 unit
difference in PH. After many experiments and research they found that their
missing link was aluminum.

     Aluminum is one of the most common metals on earth. It is stored in a
combined form with other elements in the earth. When it is combined it
cannot dissolve into the water and harm the fish and plants. However the
acid from acid rain can easily dissolve the bond between these elements.
The Aluminum is then dissolved into a more soluble state by the acid. Other
metals such as Copper (Cu), iron (Fe) etc can cause such effects upon the
fish as well however it is the aluminum that is the most common. For
example: CuO + H2SO4  ----------> CuSO4 + H2O

    In this form it is easily absorbed into the water. When it comes in
contact with fish it causes irritation to the gills. In response the fish
creates a film of mucus in the gills to stop this irritation until the
irritant is gone. However the aluminum does not go always and the fish
continues to build up more and more mucus to counteract it. Eventually
there is so much mucus that it clogs the gills. When this happens the fish
can no longer breath. It dies and then sinks to the bottom of the lake.
Scientists now see acid, aluminum and shortages of calcium as the three
determining factors in the extinction of fish.

     As well there is the problem of chlorine. In many parts of the world
it is commonly found in the soil. If it enters the fish's environment it
can be deadly. It affects many of the fish's organisms and causes it to
die. As well it interferes in the photosynthesis process in plants.

     NaOH + HCl ----> NaCl + H2O

    The carbon in the water can become very dangerous for fish and plants
in the water if the following reaction happens:

     CaCO3 + 2HCl ---> CaCl2 + H2CO3 then
     H2CO3 ---> H2O + CO2

    The salt created by this reaction can kill. It interferes directly with
the fish's nervous system.

     Acid lakes are deceivingly beautiful. The are crystal clear and have a
luscious carpet of green algae on the bottom. The reason that these lakes
are so clear is because many of the decomposers are dead. They cannot break
down that material such as leaves and dead animals. These materials
eventually sink to the bottom instead of going through the natural process
of decomposition. In acid lakes decomposition is very slow. "The whole
metabolism of the lake is slowed down."

     During this same period of time the Canadian department of fisheries
spent eight years dumping sulfuric acid (H2SO4) into an Ontario lake to see
the effects of the decrease in the PH over a number of years. At the PH of
5.9 the first organisms began to disappear. They were shrimps. They started
out at a population of about seven million, but at the pH of 5.9 they were
totally wiped out. Within a year the minnow died because it could no longer
reproduce it's self.

     At this time the pH was of 5.8. New trout were failing to be produced
because many smaller organisms that served as food to it had been wiped out
earlier. With not enough food the older fish did not have the energy to
reproduce. Upon reaching the pH of 5.1 it was noted that the trout became
cannibals. It is believed this is due to the fact that the minnow was
nearly extinct.

     At a pH of 5.6 the external skeletons of crayfish softened and they
were soon infected with parasites, and there eggs were destroyed by fungi.
When the pH went down to 5.1 they were almost gone. By the end of the
experiment none of the major species had survived the trials of the acid.
The next experiment conducted by the scientists was to try and bring the
lake back to life. They cut in half the amount of acid that they dumped to
simulate a large scale cleanup. Soon again the cuckers and minnows began to
reproduce again. The lake eventually did come back; to a certain extent;
back to life. THE NEW THEORY:

     A scientist in Norway had a problem believing that it was the acid
rain on it's own that was affecting the lakes in such a deadly way. This
scientist was Dr Rosenqvist.

  "Why is it that during heavy rain, the swollen rivers can be up to
fifteen times more acid than the rain? It cannot be the rain alone that is
doing it, can it?" Many scientist shunned him for this however they could
not come up with a better answer. Soon the scientists were forced to accept
this theory.

     Sulfuric acid is composed of two parts, know as ions. The hydrogen ion
is what make a substance acid. The other ion is sulphate. When there are
more hydrogen ions then a substance is acid. It is this sulphate ion that
we are interested in. When the rain causes rivers to overboard onto the
banks the river water passes through the soil. Since the industrial
revolution in britain there has been an increasing amount of sulphur in the
soil. In the river there is not enough sulphur for the acid to react in
great quantities. However in the soil there is a great collection of
sulphur to aid the reaction. When it joins the water the pH becomes much
lower. This is the most deadly effect of acid rain on our water!!! The
water itself does not contain enough sulphur to kill off it's population of
fish and plants. But with the sulphur in the soil it does.
  Acid rain is a big problem. It causes the death of our lakes, our rivers,
our wild life and most importantly us. As well it causes other problems
that are very serious as well such as the release of aluminium and lead
into our water supplies. We are suffering because of it. In Scotland there
are many birth defects being attributed to it. We must cut down the
releases of chemicals that cause it. But it will take time, even if we were
to stop today we would have the problem for years to come because of the
build up in the soil. Let's hope we can do something.

  Penguin Publishing House, 1987 , Pearce Fred Acid Rain. What is it and
  what is it doing to us?
  New York Publishers, 1989, William Stone Acid Rain. Fiend or Foe?
  Lucent books, Inc. 1990, Steward Gail Acid Rain.